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The Source of All Your Power

Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire. – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The source of all your power is within you; it always has been and always will be. It doesn’t come from someone else, from the company you work for or the environment you live in or from the world around you. It comes from your connection to yourself, your True Self. For some, this is stating the obvious. For most of us, we have lived our lives not even knowing it was possible to be disconnected from our True Selves. And yet it is…all the layers of fear, doubt, insecurity and unworthiness build up over time and come between the person we are living as and the person we are at the core of our being.

When you peel away these unwanted layers to unearth your soul, you find the purest energy: love. Love is the most powerful and beautiful energy we can unleash – upon others and upon ourselves. And yet, so often in business I hear leaders today say they do not want to use the word, “love.” Do you want to know why? It’s because they are afraid to look weak.

How ironic, when love is the greatest power of all.

True love for this country and the freedoms it stands for was the wellspring that our Founding Fathers used to ignite a revolution. Joan d’Arc’s love for and faith in God was the beacon that drove her to save France. Overflowing love for the sick and impoverished led Saint Teresa of Calcutta to care for and heal so many of the poor. And deep love for humanity in all its colors is being unleashed around the world today as the people of this planet stand up for justice. 

The planet is going through a transformation right now.
We all know this; we all feel the winds of change.  There is one thing each of us can do as leaders to affect this change: unleash love. Stop suppressing love and putting walls around it out of fear that you’ll look weak or it won’t be reciprocated. You are a leader. The world is looking to you to lead.

Start by loving yourself unconditionally. Unearth your True Self and share You with the world. Watch how it transforms your ability to lead others – the shift is bound to be noticeable if you’ve been holding back.

Choose to raise the vibration of love in your life. It’s as simple as making the choice. If you think this sounds ridiculous, ask yourself what you’re really afraid of.

At this point in the history of the world, I don’t think we have anything to lose by unleashing love. Do you? Now is our time to “rediscover fire;” to use it to build a better world; to ‘set the world on fire’ with light and love. It will take all of us to lead the way.

Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

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