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How to Lead Gen YI am extremely fortunate to be able to call Greg Hartle a friend. I met him on Twitter when he began participating in Leadership Chat, sharing genuinely insightful tidbits of wisdom in 140 characters; wisdom that seemed beyond his years.

He read my “Twitter profile” and saw that I was a kidney transplant recipient.  He told me he was as well, the fortunate recipient of a kidney from his mom.  The experience had been life-altering, as it often is, and his wisdom had clearly been earned.

Greg set out on January 1st of this year with a different kind of vision: to show the world that with vision, purpose, fortitude and just $10 and a laptop he could truly change the world through entrepreneurship. He is documenting his journey at

He has a unique and thoroughly inspiring view of Gen Y leadership, and has agreed to Guest Host Leadership Chat this Tuesday evening, October 4th, with Steve Woodruff and me.  I asked Greg to answer some specific questions about leadership – particularly insights into how to lead Gen Y individuals.  This is a topic that many of the CEOs I work with genuinely want to understand!

I was genuinely moved by Greg’s answers and hope you’ll find them enlightening in many ways:

Q1. Lisa: What is the biggest leadership challenge for Gen Y leaders today?

Greg:  First, let me start by saying I don’t consider myself a member of Gen Y. Born in 1978 and growing up and going into business with people much older than me early in my career I definitely feel I’m much more part of Gen X. However, since 2008 I’ve spent considerable time with Gen Y and have even launched several businesses with a few members of that generation. I’ve also stayed with and interviewed many members of Gen Y on my TenLap journey.

To me, the biggest leadership challenge for Gen Y leaders is developing an economic structure that understands the difference between maximizing consumption and maximizing quality of life. And doing so in ways that don’t sacrifice the future for the present.

This is a monumental challenge for two reasons:

1) America’s entire economic engine is built on growth of consumption. What younger generations must first realize, that previous generations overlooked, is growth does not equal prosperity. Only then can we begin to look at an alternative economic engine.

2) America was built on sacrificing the present for the future. Previous to the Baby Boomer generation, American’s made incredibly painful sacrifices. Being an American brings responsibilities as well as opportunities. For decades now we’ve been far too focused on the latter and have shared little time focused on the former.

For America to return to the “shining city upon a hill” we may need an entire generation to sacrifice their entire livelihood for future generations. Does Gen Y (or any living generation) have the will, courage, mindset, or conditioning to do such a thing? I don’t know. 

However, one thing I know for certain is America derives its strength from young diverse leaders emerging to consistently find ways of reinventing ourselves. I see no shortage of these leaders and I feel very comfortable knowing America’s future is in their hands. 

Q2. Lisa:  What do you believe Gen X and Boomers+ think is the biggest challenge when leading Gen Y individuals? Part 2 of this question – What is your advice to help GenX+ to address this challenge?

Greg:  The biggest challenge when leading Gen Y is the biggest challenge when leading anyone, deeply understanding their worldview. What matters to them and why?

The simple method of the 5 Whys (asking the question “why?” five times in a row to get to the root) can go a long way in deeply understanding what someone values. Only when you understand what someone values, can you begin to lead them.

Further steps would include:

1) Gen X and Boomers+ coming to the table asking, “What can I learn from you, Gen Y?” Followed by, “What would you like to learn from me?”

2) Then use one of the most empowering phrases in the English language, “Let’s”. “Let’s figure this out together.”

The era of top-down leadership is on its last legs. Leadership should be less about what I know that you don’t and more about the formula 1 + 1 = 3. You and me together is far greater and stronger than me telling you what to do.

Q3. Lisa:  What do you think most Gen Y leaders would like other generations to know about them?

This is an easy answer. I hear it consistently. Gen Y leaders do not feel nearly as entitled as previous generations label them. They care. They just want to go about life differently.

Given the connectedness of the world, they tend to move through the egocentric (“me”) – ethnocentric (“us”) – world centric (“all of us”) stages of consciousness faster than ever before. This is why their social graph is much larger and more diverse than previous generations. And why their social graph matters more to them.

Gen Y leaders also want previous generations to know that just because they reject your lifestyle doesn’t mean they reject the principles, values, or history from which it’s foundation begins. In the end, they value similar things. They just want to arrive at the results in a way that serves more people, better.

Q4. Lisa: This blog focuses on Visionary Leadership.  Do you think Gen Y leaders understand the critical importance of having a vision? If so, how are they most likely to have learned this?

Greg:  I think Gen Y leaders understand visionary leadership far better than Gen X or the Boomer generation. They’ve learned this two ways: 

1) They’ve personally experienced the extreme highs and extreme lows that come from a short-sited view. The greatest change to behavior will occur based on what you personally experience. They grew up during the rise of the late 90s (one of the greatest eras of America’s prosperity), the sharp fall of the dot-com bust, and 9-11 (In the top 3 of most significant events on American soil).

These events have shaped them unconsciously. And now they’re consciously living as young adults through the mass over-consumption of the mid-2000s followed by the sudden collapse beginning in 2008. The kind of real world lessons that will come from these events will shape Gen Y leaders vision much more so than any schooling, training, or job. 

2) Information. Gen Y has grown up with unprecedented access to information. This access has allowed them to shorten their learning curve, make quicker decisions on what’s important to them, find like-minded individuals in far-away places to collaborate with, and develop a deeper and wider vision for imagining a world they want to live in and be a part of creating.

Access to this level of information will be both empowering and powerful for Gen Y leaders.

Q5. Lisa:  On your Ten Dollars and a Laptop Trip, what has been the most impactful leadership lesson?  What has been the most unexpected delight on your journey?

Greg:  The most impactful leadership lesson has not changed since the beginning of TenLap or since the beginning of time: Be An Example Of Possibility. 

Countries, cities, communities, businesses, nor families change. I change. And through my example the world around me begins to change. It’s really as simple as that.

Unexpected delight… without question the kindness of strangers near and far. From people I’ve met on the street, in homeless shelters, people who have allowed me into their home, people who have helped me through social networks, and even the guy who while driving by in his Jeep as I was walking down a back road in Vermont reached out and handed me a beer. We didn’t say a word to each other, just shared a facial expression that said, “Yeah man, we’re in this together.”

I have yet to meet a single person unwilling to help. That’s remarkable. And I’m extraordinarly humbled and grateful for each person I’ve met along the journey. And that, of course, includes the kindness and generosity of you, Mr. Woodruff, and the entire #LeadershipChat community.  

You didn’t ask this, but if there was one thing I think all leaders should remember it’s that in order for America (it’s businesses, communities, cities, states, and the country as a whole) to thrive each of us must not only give something back, we must pay something forward.  Our nation celebrates the individual, and just as it provides for us, so it expects of us. We must always remember this.


Please share your reactions to Greg’s perspective in the comments, and be sure to join me, Greg and Steve tomorrow night, October 4th at 8:00 pm Eastern Time for our next edition of Leadership Chat on Twitter!  These chats are getting bigger, better and more insightful every week – don’t miss out!

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Related Post:

Leadership Advice for Gen Y: 12 Golden Nuggest from Leadership Chat


Along with being a life-long entrepreneur, Greg Hartle consults and speaks professionally with businesses, non-profits, and other groups on 21st century capitalism, leadership, and integral life strategies. His latest project, Ten Dollars and a Laptop, explores the realities of building his life from scratch in a major economic downturn.


19 Response Comments

  • Henry Motyka  October 3, 2011 at 11:09 am

    Two very important points were raised here. The era of top down management is over! In fact, it may never have been a good idea to practice any of that. I like that famous comment by Jack Welch something to the effect of, “If you want to see what is going on with a business, go see the shop foreman.”

    When I had a group reporting to me, I found that it is amazing how the people that work for you, if you give them that freedom, will do some great things for the business.

    I like the comment about not only giving back but paying forward. It goes with the comment of sacrifice. We all must think it starts with us. So many problems in this country can be solved by this notion.

    • Lisa Petrilli  October 3, 2011 at 11:39 am

      Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experiences, Henry! I appreciate knowing that these two points really resonated with you. I found Greg’s responses to be very encouraging and inspiring! All the best…

    • Greg  October 3, 2011 at 3:20 pm

      Henry, I appreciate you taking the time to read and share your thoughts.

  • Lee Aiken  October 3, 2011 at 1:18 pm

    Lisa, thank you for sharing such an inspirational interview!

    I don’t naturally think in terms of the differences between generations and found his analysis on how Gen Y move through the world quite fascinating.

    • Lisa Petrilli  October 3, 2011 at 1:33 pm

      You’re welcome, Lee, and I agree with you. I enjoyed looking at the world through Greg’s eyes. Will you be able to join us tomorrow night for Leadership Chat on Twitter? Honored to have you here!

    • Greg  October 3, 2011 at 3:21 pm

      Lee, I’m glad you found some insight into the interview and you were willing to share. Thanks.

  • Mark  October 3, 2011 at 1:30 pm

    Great post; I hope leaders from all generations read and share it. I think Greg brings up a lot of thought-provoking points. It is very possible that in order for Gen Z and others after them (what will they be called?) to succeed, Gen Y will have to sacrifice in a way no generation has since the “Greatest Generation.” I also think it will help come to pass what Greg mentioned in answer to your second question that, due both to the poor economy of the last few years and people living longer, more generations will have to coexist together in the workforce, which will organically lead to the type of conversations he mentions.

    • Lisa Petrilli  October 3, 2011 at 1:36 pm


      Thank you. You know, I hope that even though we’re talking about sacrifice, future generations will not sacrifice their sense of self, and of purpose in the world. Maybe words like honor will become more important… Thanks for raising some great points and I hope to see you tomorrow night on Leadership Chat.

    • Greg  October 3, 2011 at 3:23 pm

      Excellent insights, Mark. Very true words you speak. This is clearly an uncertain time. But like all times before us, it’s also an exciting time. I’m excited to see where future generations take us.

  • janwong  October 3, 2011 at 7:46 pm

    Very insightful and interesting post. I think many Gen Y concerns mentioned were spot on and I’ve always believed that companies today that are able to manage the Gen Ys will be able to sustain themselves when the Gen Zs (?) starts to join the workforce. In other words, the Gen Ys are people of transition. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • Lisa Petrilli  October 3, 2011 at 8:32 pm

      Jan, what an eloquent way to describe Gen Y! Love it. Hope you’ll join us tomorrow night, and thanks for sharing your insights.

      • janwong  October 4, 2011 at 9:45 am

        I’ll try my best to make it! 8pm ET should be 9am here in Malaysia. I usually can’t make it for morning chats but I’ll see if I can come up with something 🙂

  • Steve  October 10, 2011 at 8:02 am

    Some great insights here!

    Generation Y could be the first ‘non-linear’ generation. Ties in with the ‘transition’ of top down management, the ‘transition’ away from privileging the economic and intellectual above all else.

    As business leaders we have to not just change the way we work with Gen Y – but understand the broader changes in the business environment too before we become defunct!

    • Lisa Petrilli  October 10, 2011 at 8:31 am


      Great point – their generation is forcing us to rethink the way we do business in general, which has such broader ramifications. Thanks for your thoughts and for taking the time to write – I really appreciate it!

      • Steve  October 10, 2011 at 9:08 am

        Thank you!

  • Valerie Iravani  October 10, 2011 at 3:01 pm

    Lisa and Greg,

    Thank you for taking the time to write this post. It is indeed inspirational. Reminds me of the “Peace Pilgrim” and her journey.

    What’s most fascinating to me is how Gen Y coming into the workforce has actually brought me more peers. I feel closer to them in the work environment that the Boomers, with whom I am of an age. The reason for this is my self-concept.

    I have issues with authority having grown up in a single-parent household, believe in my own abilities to ‘just do it’, need a work-life balance as work and home life seem to have few boundaries for me, need feedback and recognition to make sure my boss is happy with me, and want collaboration between departments – because I generally see how systems work and the need for more communication.

    Hello! Does this not describe Gen Y employees as well? No wonder I have felt ‘odd man out’ in the corporate world until now.

    It’s all about me – but it’s all about us – and why can’t we help each other succeed?

    Anyone need a manager for a GenY team? They’ll love me and I have experience.


    • Lisa Petrilli  October 10, 2011 at 4:55 pm


      I love how you drew the parallels between you and Gen Y – and what a great suggestion that you’re the perfect person to lead them! Go make that happen! And I couldn’t agree with you more – the world would be an inspiring place if we all wanted each other to succeed – and then went about helping each other do so. 🙂


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