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Defining the Leader You Will Be in 2013Think about the magnitude of your life and the enormous impact you’ve had on the world thus far. You have impacted and changed people’s lives, perhaps in small ways every day, but you have impacted and changed them just the same. It’s important to acknowledge the simple beauty of this!

How do you want to do this through your leadership in 2013?

The resplendent allure of this question is that the world, for you, for each of us, is a clean slate as we embark upon a New Year. We can wash away the parts of us we want to transform and purify those we want to use virtuously as a leader.

What’s most important is the acknowledgement that as a leader we have the power to truly change the world – for good or for bad – by how we live our lives and fulfill our leadership roles. And here’s the key: how we live our lives and fulfill our leadership roles starts with how we see and love ourselves. It all starts inside us as we connect to our True Selves and lead from within.

It starts with loving ourselves first.

Think about those people and leaders in your life who are unhappy, struggling, intentionally or unintentionally hurting others. How many of them would see a transformation in their life simply by opening their hearts to love and fully accept themselves as they are? By feeling genuine gratitude for their life? By connecting to the purity of their soul they were born with and rediscovering the beauty within them? Not in an arrogant, selfish way but in a genuine way. I’m guessing every single one of them…

Keep these questions in mind when you look within yourself to define what kind of leader you want to be in 2013. Someone who has done the work to love and accept themself will bring a very different essence to their leadership role than someone who is struggling. Imagine the difference in passion, magnetism, charisma, service and loyalty! Imagine the difference in their ability to inspire, motivate, mentor and serve.

What kind of leader will you be in 2013? How will you impact and change the world? Envision yourself the leader you deeply wish to be, and then go make it so.

Wishing you a New Year full of great love, joy and dreams fulfilled!


The Introvert's Guide to Success in Business and Leadership

The Introvert’s Guide to Success in Business and Leadership

Are you an introvert looking to use your introversion to your advantage in business & leadership or an extrovert interested in leading introverts more effectively? I wrote this eBook for you…

The Introvert’s Guide to Success in Business and Leadership” eBook is NOW Available! Amazon Best Seller, Amazon Hot New Release, and the inspiration behind my Harvard Business Review article! Featured on Huffington Post. BUY Now on Amazon for Kindle or Buy it at B&N for Nook! Also available on iBooks!

Click here to DOWNLOAD in PDF format. Thank you!

Being an introvert is truly an advantage in business and leadership if you know how to leverage it, and if you remain true to yourself.


Photo of Victoria Falls by Dietmar Temps.

3 Response Comments

  • Jonathan Saar  January 2, 2013 at 11:29 am

    This post just reminds of the inevitable fundamentals we all try to practice each day. As much as we try to be translucent in this world the definite perception is that all things are transparent no matter what we say or do. This is why it is paramount to be connected from within as you stated so eloquently my friend. I have reflected on many items from 2012, thinking particularly on who made a difference in my life and also what did I do for others. For me it is a nice foundation on what I plan on doing for 2013..who will I help..who will I inspire..what can be done to make a difference.

    As much as I have been in the background lately Lisa please know that you have been in many ways a continuing inspiration and example to me. All my best to you for 2013.

    • Lisa Petrilli  January 9, 2013 at 9:09 am

      This means the world to me, Jonathan, truly. Thank you for being such an important part of this community and for so freely sharing your insights and ideas. I look forward to meeting you in 2013!


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