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Judy Martin SunshineThere’s an inner well of wisdom that contains a juicy elixir that we often ignore. In the silence can emerge great creativity. It we can get quiet enough to listen – all else falls into place. Business is hard, but I teach that the competitive edge is that silence. Making decisions from a place of wisdom sans fear. The sign of a true leader.   ~Judy Martin, in a comment on this blog, September, 2010

As I type this and look at this gorgeous photo of a real-world goddess who showered love, light, wisdom, and grace upon everyone she met, I am still in shock. She is now with the angels; heaven is blessed.

She was my #SOBCon Soul Sister. We “sort of” met at the #SOBCon Conference in April of 2010. The reality is we spent 3 days sitting at neighboring tables with our backs to each other, and kept bumping into each other every time one of us would get up for one reason or another. We exchanged many looks of kindness and “I’m so sorry!” comments, but never actually introduced ourselves to each other. That is, until after the conference was over.

She reached out to me via social media and said, “I am so sorry I never introduced myself to you. I felt really drawn to you for some reason would love to connect sometime.” We were 3 minutes into our first phone call when we realized we had a very unusual and deep spiritual connection. It was as if two soul sisters had been reunited. We laughed about how we had both been blind enough to miss every opportunity to connect at the conference. It was as if God sat us next to each other, made sure we kept bumping into each other, and we still missed all the signals!

But Judy looked to her intuition and reached out to me, and we became soul-friends. I would call her sometimes and after talking she would say, “everything you just told me was exactly what I needed to hear.” I remember a similar call when she reached out to me on a day when I was feeling very lonely, and literally lifted me up with her words.

We created a presentation together entitled, “Conquer Your Kryptonite!” and submitted it to the South by Southwest Event in Austin, Texas. It was not chosen but the process of creating it helped us see how our work was so aligned; hers was focused more on balancing your life and work to achieve your truest dreams, mine is focused with my business partner on balancing your energy to do the same.

We became such good friends that we decided to room together at the SOBCon conference the following year. We stayed up one night talking about the role of women in myth, and how everything about those mythical women made sense in our lives, and we woke up crazy early one morning to watch the Royal Wedding of William and Kate. Two hopeless romantics talking about how you know if you’re with the right man. That conversation seems so silly and yet poignant to me right now.

Judy called me last week and when I answered the phone she said, “Oh thank God you answered, I just felt like the angels were telling me to call you.” I had been working on a business challenge and she had just the right piece of wisdom that elevated my work. I told her so and she was so glad she had followed her intuition. Much more importantly, we talked about everything she had overcome in 2013 and everything she was excited about for 2014. She said, “2014 is going to be a much better year. I’m ready for it.”

As we were hanging up the phone the angels told me to tell her I loved her, and I did. I am so grateful for that.

Judy was a huge supporter of #LeadershipChat, which I hosted with Steve Woodruff and which led to her becoming part of the #CannoliCrew (Anthony Iannarino, Lisa Diomede, Molly Cantrell-Kraig, Lou Imbriano, Sean McGinnis, Angela Maiers, Fred McClimans) who always tweeted about cannolis during the chat. Our group met for lunch before SOBCon, the year Judy and I roomed together, and had what will go down in history as one of the best, most poignantly bonding lunch experiences of my life. Without Judy, the Cannoli Crew will never be the same.

During one Tuesday night #LeadershipChat a few years ago, Judy tweeted: “Comfort zone needs to be toyed with to transform and transcend to next level. Discomfort is just tangling w uncertainty – important to navigate chaos.” I feel as if that is advice from her to all of us who mourn her loss in this moment. Her life always inspired me and I now feel a genuine need to transcend to a new level because of her. I am dealing with terrible uncertainty and confusion over her death, and will absolutely need to navigate what feels like chaos. I think she is telling me that all of this is ok. It’s part of the process of growing, transforming and transcending…

Judy, you will live on in our hearts, you will live on in the stories we tell about you, you will live on in the way we choose to live our lives. May we honor our own truth to honor how you lived your life. May we live our truest dreams because that is what you worked so hard to help us do!

I miss you my soul sister…until we meet again. xo

38 Response Comments

  • Vanessa King  February 3, 2014 at 6:47 am

    Really sorry for your loss, Lisa, what an amazing, wise, gifted woman. Heaven is indeed blessed.

    • Lisa Petrilli  February 3, 2014 at 8:05 am

      Thank you so much, Vanessa. That means the world to me. <3

  • Courtney Bosch  February 3, 2014 at 8:31 am

    Touching post Lisa – so deeply sorry for your loss. Just looking at the picture above I can sense how radiant she was. Be well!

    • Lisa Petrilli  February 3, 2014 at 9:08 am

      Thank you, Courtney. Yes, radiant was just one of many gorgeous adjectives to describe her. She was a gift and blessing to so many! Thank you for your very kind words.

  • Tim  February 3, 2014 at 9:02 am

    Hi Lisa:

    I am stunned to learn about Judy’s passing. While I never got to know her like you…we had followed each other on Twitter and just days before she passed she responded to one of my Tweets by thanking me for sharing my previous Tweet. Surprised by her response, I clicked on her profile and visited her blog and then listened to about 5 minutes of her guided meditation. I was truly impressed with her background and the topics she explored on her site. They resonated with me.

    Feels weird – I didn’t know her personally, but I feel a deep sense of loss right now. Thanks for sharing your beautiful tribute to her.

    • Lisa Petrilli  February 3, 2014 at 9:11 am

      Tim, thank you for sharing how she and her work touched you. I’m not surprised you felt a deep connection and resonance so quickly…that is simply who she was. Hugs to you in your sorrow, and thank you for taking the time to write and share. <3

  • Mike McCurry  February 3, 2014 at 9:18 am

    Hi LIsa, Not surprisingly I am very touched by your blog about your friendship with Judy. Unfortunately I never bonded with her at the level that you did. You are a lucky person. That being said the time I did spend with her at SobCon conferences was very special and I felt a connection with her as well.

    The last couple of years I have not been able to attend SobCon and now I wish I had, because I missed out on an opportunity to be around people like Judy (and you )

    In my heart I know Judy is with the angels, as she is/was an angel herself.

    God bless you for writing such a touching, meaningful article.

    Hope to see you soon!

    • Lisa Petrilli  February 3, 2014 at 10:53 am

      Thank you from the very bottom of my heart, Mike. You were such an important and special part of that first SOBCon experience…and of the inception of this blog! Thank you for sharing your heart here, and for helping me to share mine. <3

  • Danielle Smith  February 3, 2014 at 10:13 am

    Lisa – this is so truly lovely. I’m so glad the two of you had such an extraordinary connection and I am so sorry for the loss you are now experiencing. SobCon 2010 is also where I first met Judy and from that moment she was a treasure. We didn’t speak often, but she never missed an opportunity to say hello, share a beautiful word or simply let me know she supported me. The news feels like a punch in the gut. Her light, her spirit, her kindness will most certainly be missed. xoxo

    • Lisa Petrilli  February 3, 2014 at 10:51 am

      Thank you, Danielle. So beautifully said… You’re so right, she was a treasure. xo and much love and hugs.

  • Susan Reed  February 3, 2014 at 10:20 am

    Hi Lisa, thanks for writing this. I knew Judy for over 20 years and I’m so shocked…I’m feeling the same way as what you wrote, “I am dealing with terrible uncertainty and confusion over her death, and will absolutely need to navigate what feels like chaos.” Thanks for putting this into words, and it’s comforting to know how many (many) are dealing with this – a lot of people who knew and loved her. She was all about challenges and wasn’t afraid to jump in. Last Friday was just another morning to her, and it puts it all in perspective for we who are left…live in the moment, be grateful for everything. Lisa, I’ll pray for you. Love, Susan

    • Lisa Petrilli  February 3, 2014 at 10:49 am

      You were so fortunate to have known her for so long! Thank you for being here, writing & sharing what you’re feeling and how you saw Judy. I so genuinely appreciate that. Prayers, love and light to you as well! May we all grow from the grace of her love. <3

      • Susan Reed  February 3, 2014 at 12:35 pm

        Thank you, Lisa! Yes, she was SO much fun – we had some crazy times together…always laughing, and making the best out of every situation. Thank you again!! xo

  • Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha  February 3, 2014 at 12:05 pm

    Oh! What a loss of a visionary and woman of purpose. May she rest in peace.
    – Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha,
    Nigerian-born Author and Life coach

    • Lisa Petrilli  February 3, 2014 at 12:12 pm

      What a wise and beautiful description of Judy. Thank you so much for sharing, Ifeanyi.

  • mckra1g  February 3, 2014 at 12:28 pm

    Ric Dragon’s facebook update that included the link to news of Judy’s death was the first thing I read when I woke up Saturday morning. It threw me for a loop, and I’m not quite able focus even now. I remember the first time I met her was at a mixer at Morton’s during my first SOBCon event. I didn’t know anything or anyone ~ such a greenie and social media newbie. Judy approached me and made me feel not only welcome, but like I belonged.

    Her kindness has shaped the way I interact with people online and offline. Being the first to extend a hand in friendship or kindness is such a powerful gesture. The ripples of her actions have extended far beyond that meeting.

    Thank you for speaking from the heart, Lisa.

    • Lisa Petrilli  February 3, 2014 at 12:36 pm

      Such a beautiful trend of Judy having reached out to us newbies. We are forever blessed by her graciousness and those beautiful ripples you refer to. <3

  • AffirmingSpirit  February 3, 2014 at 2:25 pm

    I feel so blessed to have connected with Judy during this lifetime. We met when I began creatively supporting @TalentCulture (via @N_BarryJansson) as Judy was also a TC Ambassador. When Judy and I first spoke via Skype, like you Lisa, the connection was immediately evident. Our first conversation, we talked for hours about spirituality, business, self-employment, and combining it all for the benefit of the corporate world. Whenever we talked after that, it was like we never missed a beat. We indeed felt like sisters, and yet…we had never met in person! It sounds like this was just another day for Judy. 😉

    Our last exchange was right after her birthday. I had privately sent her something on FB that I knew she would enjoy. She responded with delight and telling me how she expected BIG CHANGES in 2014.

    On Friday afternoon, my time, out-of-the-blue I began thinking about living and dying, and why some people die sooner or later than others. I felt guided to meditate. The answer came: there is no wrong way to be born or to die. Each is perfect in it’s own expression.

    When I heard the news Saturday morning, it felt surreal but I also immediately felt reconnected to Judy. She indeed will live on in our hearts, every time we think of her, remember our interactions, and appreciate her. The outpouring of love on FB is wonderful and truly deserved.

    Many blessings,

    • Lisa Petrilli  February 3, 2014 at 8:20 pm

      Nancy, this is just so beautiful and uplifting. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you sharing your story and your experience these past few days. Your intuition and connection to the divine source is truly inspiring…”there is no wrong way to be born or to die. Each is perfect in its own expression.” What transformative words. Thank you, truly, for sharing with everyone here who loved her. My very best to you. xo

      • AffirmingSpirit  February 6, 2014 at 9:34 pm

        Thinking about that subject is not common for me, Lisa. I don’t think it was a coincidence that I felt guided to meditate and both the questions and information came through around the time that Judy transitioned. When I heard about Judy on Saturday morning, I suddenly knew why I had the questions. Judy had a positive impact on so many people, it’s awe-inspiring. Thank you for giving us a place to virtually congregate and appreciate.

  • Susan Bernstein  February 3, 2014 at 4:40 pm

    I miss Judy something fierce. I only met her in person once, when I did a session to get clear on my media message. It was so much fun to be in New York, in Garden City, right near Westbury, where I’d lived until I was six years old. When Judy found out I loved Jones Beach, she took me there at the end of our session and drilled me on my media messages, in the most fun, playful way. At the end of our magical day together, she told me that she’d always be there for me. I never expected her to follow up the way she did. She’s always believed in the message coming through me, and would call and surprise me and we’d talk for hours, like she was the sister I never had. Her love of life, her spiritual orientation, her positivity, and her humor always made me feel held and cared for. In our last exchange, just three days before her passing, she read a blog post of mine and emailed me, “Mark my words.. this is something.
    It’s your year… xoxox believe in yourself.” Those words feel so, so precious to me. I am so grateful to Judy, and I feel like I’m surrounded by kindred souls who’ve had similar experiences with her. Thank you, Lisa, for posting this. I’m buoyed to know this community of others who she’s touched, and who are influencing the world in positive ways…true leaders, indeed. xo

    • Lisa Petrilli  February 3, 2014 at 8:25 pm

      Susan, what an incredible and blessed gift she left you with! Thank you for being so open about the love she shared with you. I adore how you said you felt “held and cared for.” That is just so Judy. I’m utterly awed by the number of people whose lives she touched in such a profound way. I am starting to believe she was a saint…how did she do it? She loved so relentlessly and was there for all of us. She was truly a divine being. xo and thank you so much for sharing.

  • jr schmitt @cloudspark  February 3, 2014 at 7:26 pm

    hi lisa,

    thank you for this wonderful tribute. judy was living a truly genuine life and all of us could sense that in her; her death was too soon for us.

    when i read your post, something resonated with me and i’ve sat with it for the past few hours before writing. while it may be too soon to say – judy gave you a beautiful gift – a gift of soul-connected friendship that provides moments of divine inspiration. reading your inspired moment to share how your love was made possible by the connection the two of you shared. and may this connection inspire each of us to pay attention to the nudges, insights, and moments that push us to say something, pick up the phone, write a letter, stay a little longer.

    take care, take good care. jr

    • Lisa Petrilli  February 3, 2014 at 8:29 pm

      Yes, she genuinely did. It seems she gave the same divine gift to everyone who knew her or was blessed to be a part of her life in some small way. Thank you so much for seeing the possibility in the nudges of our intuition. I love how you add to that list, “stay a little longer.” What a simple yet beautiful thought in our constantly moving, intensely rushed world. When the angels nudge us, as you say, may we be inspired to pay attention. Thank you so much for lingering with this post and writing – it means so much to all of us who are here and mourning together! <3

  • Greg Marcus  February 3, 2014 at 11:11 pm

    Lisa – thank you for the beautiful tribute. I just found out about Judy an hour ago, and have spent the last hour in tearful confusion. Was she everyone’s soul sister? Reading the blog and the comments I think maybe she was.

    I met Judy through Twitter and social media about a year ago,. I’m a new writer, and Judy really understood where I am coming from more than just about anyone. I’m not at all well known, but Judy was a real believer, and wanted to help me.

    In December she invited me to a Google hangout, and we spoke on the phone for an hour. She shared with me how her life changed on 9/11 when she lost someone close to her. She told me how she volunteered for hospice work. She explained how she reconciled the spiritual with the secular, and gave me tips on interviews and the media.

    Writing can be a lonely process, and my book was a four year project. I was so amazed that this person who I never met in person could be so supportive and encouraging. It meant the world to me that Judy invited me to guest post on her blog, and I find it more than confusing that my post will be the last one to appear on Worklifenation. I found out about her passing when I checked my post tonight to see if there were any comments. There were, but not about the post. Just about Judy.

    Goodbye dear friend. How strange that I should say that based on a few emails, tweets, a year of reading her work, a phone call, and a G+ hangout. I thought that I had found a mentor.
    Instead I have an inspiration.
    Lisa, from your post, and the comments here, I can really see how special she was.

    • Lisa Petrilli  February 4, 2014 at 6:26 am

      Greg, yes, I do believe she was everyone’s soul sister. I only wish I had realized this sooner…so that in addition to telling her I loved her I could have added, “and I have never met such an extraordinary human being who has lifted up and encouraged and loved so many.” Your story is beautiful, Greg. I hope that the connections we are all making because of Judy will be a way that we can further her work and honor her life. Please, let’s stay in touch. xo and <3

      • Greg Marcus  February 4, 2014 at 8:30 am

        Yes Lisa, lets stay in touch. Thank you.

  • Cheryl Burgess  February 4, 2014 at 10:14 am


    I was fortunate to meet Judy at Ric Dragon’s book signing party in NYC. She came up and introduced herself. We shared stories about your #LeadershipChat and was even more loving and warm IRL as she was on your chat.

    Tears come easy for all of us when you think of Judy’s passing, but she is now with God’s heavenly angels.


    • Lisa Petrilli  February 4, 2014 at 2:51 pm

      Cheryl, thank you so much for sharing the story of how you met. It seems to be a common theme – Judy extending herself to others. I’m honored and touched that we all had #LeadershipChat in common and that the two of you had shared fond memories of it. I’m hoping someday to have the pleasure of meeting you as well, Cheryl! Warmest hugs to you… xo

  • Sylviane Nuccio  February 5, 2014 at 1:42 pm

    Hi Lisa,

    I just wrote my own tribute to Judy Martin, whom I actually didn’t know, but two of her followers came to my last blog post telling me that Judy’s last tweet was my post about “living in the moment.”

    This really touched me deeply and I’ve just published a tribute to her this morning on that very same blog she last tweeted.

    I’m glad I found your blog and nice meeting you.

    • Lisa Petrilli  February 5, 2014 at 3:04 pm

      Hi Sylviane, yes, so many of us were commenting on her last tweet being about living in the moment. And Molly is one of our mutual, dear friends. I’m so glad she found your post and such inspiration on that day; it’s comforting. Thank you so much for reaching out to me…it’s a pleasure to be connected! <3

  • Tony Zambito  February 7, 2014 at 12:16 pm


    Thank you for sharing a very poignant story of life. I had a similar event in my life – a mentor I met through a chance meeting who changed the trajectory of my life and professional life. He passed in his late ’50’s, but to this day he is the angel in my life I think of often. God gives us angels who guide us in life – whether it be here on earth or in the existence of a world unseen but exists through faithful belief.

    God Bless,

    • Lisa Petrilli  February 7, 2014 at 4:41 pm

      That’s so beautifully said, Tony. Thank you and much love to you!

  • April Baum  February 26, 2014 at 2:26 pm

    This was a very moving tribute to Judy, who I knew personally only last year for a little while. She helped me one-on-one and I found her to be a very warm, compassionate and genuinely caring person and I loved her directness. Her passing is shocking and I’m very sad. Even when we have some “answers”, that still doesn’t bring her back here among us. I do have the feeling her presence is around though, but maybe it’s hard for us to pick up on it 🙂 I posted your tribute on Google+. Thank you for sharing with all of us your personal connection with Judy. She touched so many people.

    • Lisa Petrilli  February 26, 2014 at 3:35 pm

      Thank you, April. It has been so moving to see how many people’s lives Judy touched with her beautiful heart and soul! Thank you for sharing your experience with me, I so appreciate it! <3


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